StatBank | Subject area Table: 17A0201_03. Structure of total household resources (1) Select an option and press Contents Territory Year Selected / 11 Selected / 1 Selected / 12 All total resources Monetary income employment income entrepreneurial and self-employment incomes income from the sales of agricultural products pensions, scholarship, allowance and subsidies, provided in cash allowance from relatives,other people and other income Value of consumed products that were produced at private subsistence farms or individually procured Non-cash benefits and subsidies to pay for housing and communal utilities, electricity, fuel Non-cash benefits to pay for goods and services on health protection, tourist services, to pay for places in recreation etc.,for transportation and communications Other receipts Lvivska oblast 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Search Text start Search Text start Search Text start Type of household settlements Selected / 3 Total urban settlement rural locality Search Text start For variables marked you need to select at least one value Presentation on screen is limited to 4000 rows and 80 columns. Number of selected data rows: Number of selected data columns: Choose between table on screen and file format: Table on screen, layout 1 Table on screen, layout 2 Text file (.txt) Tab delimited file with heading (.csv) Html file (.htm) StatBank has been implemented with the PX-Web.11 technology. © Main Statistical Office in Lviv region.
Table: 17A0201_03. Structure of total household resources (1) Select an option and press Contents Territory Year Selected / 11 Selected / 1 Selected / 12 All total resources Monetary income employment income entrepreneurial and self-employment incomes income from the sales of agricultural products pensions, scholarship, allowance and subsidies, provided in cash allowance from relatives,other people and other income Value of consumed products that were produced at private subsistence farms or individually procured Non-cash benefits and subsidies to pay for housing and communal utilities, electricity, fuel Non-cash benefits to pay for goods and services on health protection, tourist services, to pay for places in recreation etc.,for transportation and communications Other receipts Lvivska oblast 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Search Text start Search Text start Search Text start Type of household settlements Selected / 3 Total urban settlement rural locality Search Text start For variables marked you need to select at least one value Presentation on screen is limited to 4000 rows and 80 columns. Number of selected data rows: Number of selected data columns: Choose between table on screen and file format: Table on screen, layout 1 Table on screen, layout 2 Text file (.txt) Tab delimited file with heading (.csv) Html file (.htm)
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Choose between table on screen and file format: Table on screen, layout 1 Table on screen, layout 2 Text file (.txt) Tab delimited file with heading (.csv) Html file (.htm)
StatBank has been implemented with the PX-Web.11 technology. © Main Statistical Office in Lviv region.